Medication Assistance: Policies and Procedures for Assisted Living
A Med Tech Training Course
Medication Services is consistently ranked by RCS as one of the Top 3 citations for Assisted Living Communities. Providing comprehensive training to Medication Technicians is challenging and time consuming.
Walker Consulting and Resources LLC offers a 2-Day, 11 CE DSHS approved class for your team.
Course Highlights:
Review of Company and Contract Pharmacy Policies and WACs
Define the Med Tech’s role
Medication Education (side effects, types)
Medication Procedures (oral, inhaled, insulin, etc.)
Documentation Requirements
Controlled Substances
Storage and Destruction
Written and Skill Exam
Printed Student Handbook and Reference Materials

Additional Details: This course needs to be scheduled at least 3 weeks in advance to allow for time to review policies and procedures, community forms, answer questions, etc. This course is conducted in-person. I am fully vaccinated and boostered. I also follow all testing and PPE requirements set forth by your company.
The cost for this 2-day training is $1,200 plus materials. There my be additional fees for travel if your community is more than 40 miles from Edmonds, WA.